Лаура Дальмайер сделала новую публикацию в соц.сети Инстаграм

Лаура Дальмайер сделала новую публикацию в соц.сети Инстаграм
Спортсменка сборной команды Германии Лаура Дальмайер 17 мая представила миру свою креативную фотографию в социальной сети Инстаграм и дополнила медиаконтент текстом:

«Dear fans, friends, partners and companions — it's time to say goodbye!
After an unbelievably tough season full of ups and downs, I no longer feel the one hundred percent passion required for professional sport. That's why I have decided to end my active biathlon career after some time of reflection.
Since my childhood, I have dedicated myself completely to biathlon, I was able to experience incredibly great and intense moments and got to know some wonderful companions and supporters, without whom all this would not have been possible. Many thanks for all the years I spent in this sport — they made me who I am! To make room for new adventures, it's time for me to close the biathlon chapter.
A detailed report about my reasons for ending my career can be found on my website — link in bio.
I am looking forward to what is awaiting me now — see you out there! Best, Laura ».


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